Academic Transcription


Courtesy of The Huntington library. Click to enlarge.


Thys ys þe medysyne þat þe kyngys grace usythe every [day]

for the raynyng seknys þat now [ ] raynthe þe wyche h[e]

bene prowyd & be þe grace of god yt hathe slayne

þys yere lxxi personys he most take a hanfull of

rewe A hanfull of marygolds ^halfe // A hanfull of fether

A hanfull of burnett A hanfull of sorell A quanty[te]

of dragonys þe crop or þe route thene take apotell

of rungyng water Fyrst wasche theme clene

& let theme sethe esely tyl yt be a moste cumme frome

A potell to a quarte of leker thene take a [ ] clene


clothe & strayne ytt & drynke yt & yt be byttyr

put ther to A lytyll suger of candy & thys may be

dronkyne oftyme & yf yt be drokyne before eny

purpyl a pere &By þe grase of god ther schall

be no perell of no dethe

--Huntington Manuscript 144, f. 151v.

Academic Transcription